Saturday, January 14, 2012

Edible Adventures: 2011 - A Year In Review

Clearly I was not so good at posting my many edible adventures last year. I don't think I posted a single one! Of course, that does not mean that I didn't have any. Aaron and I tried all kinds of tasty things last year, but apparently we were too busy to take photos and document them. We only have a few! Here is a photo recap of 2011's Edible Adventures (what I could find!)

CrĂªpes! A recipe from one of his childhood French teachers. 
Strawberry cupcakes and ice cream.
Both made with fresh strawberries from the local stand. 
This was my birthday gift from Iowa Mom and Dad --
an apple peeler-corer-slicer! 
We peeled several large bags of apples. 
Of course, we took pictures of the apples,
but failed to take pictures of the tasty treats we made. 

Since I don't have pictures of all of the awesome recipes we used, here is a list of the recipes I used:
Peanut Butter Cup Cookies
Chicken and Mushrooms in a Garlic White Wine Sauce
Crock Pot 3 Bean Turkey Chili  (Since I really do not like chick peas, I only used two beans!)
Strawberry Ice Cream
Maple Apple Crisp
Rubbed and Grilled Pork Loin
Chocolate Chip Cheesecake
Christmas Ham with Pineapple

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